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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Opening Salvos

So I am starting off fresh with a brand new blog. A blog about gaming, comics, and stuff which I spend most of my life doing.
As most of you might have heard, this is the E3 week. And what better to start my blog with than the various conferences that took place this year and what it meant to me.

For the uninitiated E3 stands for Entertainment Electronic Expo. Its an annual event and is a celebration of the current gaming industry. The big-wigs (Sony, Microsoft etc) to Indie game developers, from PC based games to Consoles, from Ubisoft to EA, the expo covers everything.

It is much like Comic-Con with the difference being that E3 is still more of a press event while the former is more fan-driven.

But the allure of E3 lies not in the celebration of how the year went, instead its in the anticipation of what is to come next. This is the stage which companies choose to showcase their best up-coming games. This is the place where you will come to know, what is in store for you the coming year. And this is the event that the whole gaming world scrutinizes and swoons over until the next one is here.

If you are a gamer, and have been one for some time, you know how E3 makes you feel. Its like the Oscars for games, just without the awards(and that just makes it better).

Now, that you know all there is to know about E3. Keep checking back to know all that happened at E3.

Signing Off,
Ayush 'Kabel' Chauhan

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